Tuesday, November 8, 2016

We will have no dictators here

I had 4 conversations yesterday asking what happens on November 9.

Trump has said if he loses, it's because the election is rigged. And if he wins he will lock up his opponent.  This is 3rd world dictator stuff.

What can we do?

We can make it clear how decisively he lost.  We can show how many millions more voted for his opponent.

So even if you live in the reddest of red states, or the bluest of blue, please go vote. History  will  remember the popular vote today.  History will want to know who stood where.

Let 2016 be remembered as the year this country said"We will have no dictators here."

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


 How would President Donald Trump react if the American people turned against him?  

Reagan bottomed out at a 35% approval rating. Bush 41 at 29%. Bush 43 at 22%. Nearly every president goes through something similar, even the greats. Lincoln is estimated to have been sworn in with only ¼ of the nation behind him. When George Washington introduced a tax on whiskey, Americans took up arms against the federal government.

So, knowing what we do about Donald Trump, how will he cope with being openly disliked by the public for many months or even years?

Well, Trump has already told us what he will do: He will punish us.

He has already told us that he will punish the newspapers that criticize him by loosening the libel laws, so they can't financially afford to criticize him -- or anyone else. He will curtail the First Amendment, cripple the press’s ability to keep watch on those all-too-human individuals who govern us.

And if he would do that to the press, why wouldn't he do that to you and me?

Trump has been called a narcissist so many times, it is easy to forget what that word really means. It is a person whose ego is so fragile that he needs to be insulated from criticism. He needs to seduce and manipulate and threaten and FORCE others into admiring and praising him so that he knows he is worthwhile.

That is what is happening to this great nation. We are being seduced into a co-dependent relationship with a narcissist. Sooner or later, this relationship will become abusive.

When the honeymoon period ends, and you and I criticize him, he will "counterpunch" us.  He will have us roughed up the way he roughs up the protesters at his rallies. He’ll punish us like he plans to punish our journalists. He will take whatever steps are necessary to silence our dissent. And if that sounds like I am talking about tyranny, that's exactly what I mean.

America, this is an intervention. You need to think hard about what you’re doing.